Your new air conditioner’s warranty can save you a great deal of money down the road, should covered components malfunction and fail due to a manufacturing defect. Air conditioning systems typically last 15 to 20 years, so a longer warranty term is effective for a significant portion of the system’s expected service life. If your system’s defect is covered by warranty, the cost of the new component along with the labour part will be covered, TENSION FREE.
You may consider adding an extended warranty for additional coverage and peace of mind throughout the years you’ll use your cooling system.
Your HVAC installer may offer a warranty covering installation and labor. Where manufacturer’s warranties only cover specific components that malfunction under certain conditions, your contractor’s warranty can cover system issues arising due to faulty installation, repairs, or maintenance.
At AIRTEMPHVAC, we offer a planned annual maintenance agreement—and it’s never too late to sign up. which calls for quarterly services and unlimited breakdown call visits during working hours/days.
Sign up for your planned Annual maintenance contract or call 080-41120006 to learn more from information.